Q. How can I find a copy of a thesis or dissertation?

Answered By: Kathryn Ray
Last Updated: Feb 25, 2025     Views: 13417

The database Dissertations and Theses Global (ProQuest) is the best place to begin searching for theses and dissertations. Approximately half the listings include full text. Dissertations can also be found in a search of the AU Library Catalog.

For dissertations and theses written by AU students and not found in Dissertations and Theses Global, consult the database Dissertations and Theses (American University-authored).

The AU Research Archive (AURA) also has electronic versions of most AU dissertations and theses.

EBSCO Open Dissertations is a free database with records for more than 800,000 electronic theses and dissertations in institutional repositories around the world. Open Dissertations includes the content from American Doctoral Dissertations, plus additional metadata from a number of colleges and universities.

Another free source is Open Access Theses and Dissertations.

Some dissertations and theses can be purchased directly from ProQuest.com at ProQuest Dissertation Copy Options.

If you encounter any issues while trying to use the ProQuest site, please refer to their ProQuest Dissertations FAQ.

If you would like further assistance, please Ask-A-Librarian.