Q. What & where are the different service desks at Bender Library?

Answered By: Sean Casey
Last Updated: Aug 05, 2024     Views: 198

There are several points of service throughout Bender Library.

The Information Desk, located near the entrance to the Library, is available to answer quick library or general campus questions. The staff also enforces library policies (i.e. food, drink and noise levels) and helps with basic technological troubleshooting. 

The Circulation and Course Reserves Desk on the first floor is the main access point to check out, return, and renew books, as well as pay fees and pick up hold items. This desk also has textbooks and other materials put on course reserve by faculty as well as DVDs and circulating technology. Information on AU’s borrowing policies can be found here.  Media Services inquiries should be made at this desk.

The Office of Information Technology (OIT) holds office hours at Bender Library Monday through Friday from 9am - 5pm. Located in the back of the first floor on the left (room BLib149), OIT can help with any questions you may have about AU e-mail, wireless connectivity, computer software, etc. Their main webpage can be found here.

The Geospatial Research Lab on the lower level of the library helps the AU community use Geographic Information Systems (GIS) technology and resources. To make an appointment for geospatial research design and methodology support, visit the Ask-A-Librarian page and scroll down to subject specialists.

 You may schedule a personal consultation in person or remotely with a Research Assistance Librarian or come to LiveChat on the library home page to see if some is available anytime between 11a - 6p. Please visit our Ask a Librarian page.