Answered By: Kathryn Ray Last Updated: Feb 03, 2025 Views: 108
Treaties in Force is published annually by the Department of State to provide a list of treaties and other international agreements to which the United States has become a party as of January 1st in its most recent publication year. An electronic edition of Treaties in Force is available in text-searchable PDF format. Some electronic copies of older issues of TIF are searchable through the Federal Depository Library Program Electronic Collection (FDLP/EC) Archive. Some print copies are available in the American University Library Stacks. Call number JX 236 .A53
Texts of International Agreements to which the US is a Party (TIAS)
The first TIAS publications were a series of consecutively numbered, individually paginated pamphlets ("slips") containing the texts of agreements in English and other official languages of the agreement. After appearing in TIAS in “slip” form, U.S. treaties and international agreements were later published in bound volumes titled “United States Treaties and Other International Agreements (UST).” The Government Publishing Office (GPO) no longer publishes the TIAS and UST in print version. The last volume to be produced in print was Volume 35, Part 6, 1983-1984.
Foreign Relations of the United States (FRUS)
Foreign Relations of the United States (FRUS), commonly referred to as FRUS, has been prepared and issued by the Department of State since 1861. It is a compilation of selected documents from the files of the Department of State, the White House, and other agencies. It presents a historical view of American foreign policy and now comprises more than 450 individual volumes. Besides providing the text of important foreign policy documents, FRUS also includes source citations (printed either with the document or as footnotes) that indicate the location of the original documents. In this way, FRUS serves as a guide to the location of additional documents on the same and related subjects not selected for publication.
American University Library has most print editions; however, please note that the volumes are not necessarily published in chronological order, browse the shelves in this call number: JX233 .A3
Search FRUS online here:
HeinOnline Database of Treaties
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