Q. How many books are in the AU Library?

Answered By: Kathryn Ray
Last Updated: Jun 10, 2024     Views: 164

The AU Library collections contains:

  • 1,000,000+ books, including:
    • 700,000+ print books
    • 800,000+ e-books
    • 258,000 books and other printed primary source materials
    • 100,000+ early English books online
  • 600+ subscribed databases
  • 145,000 online periodical subscriptions
  • 650 print periodical subscriptions
  • 52,000+ media and sound recordings
  • 14,000+ scores, including historical sheet music
  • 1,100,000+ microforms


38% of the University Library's collection is housed at the Washington Research Library Consortium (WRLC) center in Upper Marlboro, MD.

AU researchers have access to more than 12 million volumes in the WRLC, which can be delivered to the library in a few days.

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