For information on the American University Archives, please visit their website.
The University Library subscribes to databases that describe archival collections from around the world. Here are several to get you started:
- ArchiveGrid
ArchiveGrid is a database of archival finding aids from libraries, museums, and archives.
- Archives Unbound
A microfilm collection of historical documents covering a broad range of topics that have been digitized by the company Gale.
- Archive Finder
Archive Finder is an index of over 206,000 manuscript collections as well as a directory of primary source repositories in the United States, United Kingdom, and Ireland. Researchers can use it to determine whether a collection contains material useful to their work. Archive Finder is comprised of ArchivesUSA and the cumulative index to the National Inventory of Documentary Sources in the UK and Ireland (NIDS UK/Ireland).
Also, take a look at this Subject Guide: