Q. When should I use the “Find Journals” feature on the library’s homepage?

Answered By: Katie Hut
Last Updated: Aug 12, 2024     Views: 242

Scholarly journals and popular newspapers can be accessed through various databases that the library subscribes to. These are most often available as html versions of the articles that appear in the print version. To find an article from a specific scholarly journal that you saw cited elsewhere or to access articles from a newspaper not available through Factiva, such as "The Chicago Tribune" or "Dallas Morning News", select FIND JOURNALS on the library homepage. In the search box type the title of the newspaper you need.  Most journals and newspapers are covered by more than one database and your personal preference will dictate which database you want to use. However, you'll want to read through the options to determine which database covers the time period you need.

Selecting a database will usually bring you the database's landing page for the journal. From there, you can either search for a specific article title or browse by date.

Current AU students, faculty and staff may use the databases from anywhere in the world with Internet access.  You will be prompted to log-on with your portal credentials.

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