Q. Where can I find databases of declassified government documents?

Answered By: Kathryn Ray
Last Updated: Aug 12, 2024     Views: 51

Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)

To search for declassified FBI files, go to the library's homepage and select the Databases tab. Enter "FBI" in the in the search box.

For other agencies' declassified documents, consult these databases:

U.S. Declassified Documents Online
Alternative Name(s) & Keywords: Declassified Documents Reference System

The DDRS contains about 100,000 declassified documents from 1945 to 2001. These documents are from the U.S. presidential libraries and the National Archives, and deal with nearly every major foreign and domestic event.

Digital National Security Archive
Declassified documents central to US foreign and military policy since 1945. Documents include presidential directives, memos, diplomatic dispatches, meeting notes, independent reports, briefing papers, White House communications, emails, confidential letters, and other secret materials.

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