Q. I didn't save articles with permalinks! How can I find them again?

Answered By: Andrew Greenman
Last Updated: May 25, 2022     Views: 52

What happened?

Some library databases will not take you back to the same place if you copy the url from the address bar of your browser and try to return to it later. It's always a good idea to look for a "permalink" button, which will produce a url that always points back to the item.

Additionally, you may want to look into a citation management software like Zotero (link to the AU Library subject guide on Zotero) and make your workflow of saving sources much easier.

Finding your article from a nonpermanent url

EBSCO urls are long, but towards the end should be be a string of "AN=" and then a bunch of numbers. This is the accession number of the item and is a searchable metadata field in EBSCO databases when prefaced by "AN "; a search such as: AN 1566597 should return exactly 1 result, the item the non-permanent url was pointing to.

ProQuest is better about redirecting non-permanent urls, but likewise does include a unique document identifier in the url. The format of a ProQuest url is proquest.com/database name/docview/unique ID string/another set of numbers.

This string after docview can be copied and pasted into the relevant ProQuest database's search box to locate the item in question, for example searching 2249728890 in ProQuest Central will have one result, the item that identifier applies to.

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