Q. I need primary sources on film and cinema. Where should I look?

Answered By: Kathryn Ray
Last Updated: Mar 20, 2025     Views: 24

The film is the fundamental primary source.

Additional sources include:

1) Materials Created During Production:

  • Scripts

Original screenplays, drafts, and notes are invaluable for understanding the creative process.

  • Production Stills

Photographs taken during filming can reveal the actors, set design, and costumes.

  • Storyboards

Visual plans of scenes can show how the director envisioned the film.

  • Costumes and Props

Physical objects from the film can provide insights into the period and character portrayal.

  • Set Designs

Plans and photographs of sets can reveal the filmmaker's vision of the locations.

  • Production Notes

Documents created during production, such as memos, reports, and logs, can reveal the practical aspects of filmmaking.

  • Press Kits

Materials released to the media, including press releases, biographies, and photographs, can reveal the film's marketing and promotion.

2) Contemporary Accounts and Reviews:

  • Interviews

Interviews with actors, directors, and other crew members can offer first-hand accounts of the film-making process.

  • Oral Histories

Recorded interviews with individuals involved in the film can provide valuable insights.

  • Advertisements and Posters

3) Newspaper and Magazine Articles (may be considered secondary - it's complicated!): 
Articles published during the time of the film's release can provide insights into the film's reception and cultural context. 

Newspapers may be either primary or secondary. Most articles in newspapers are secondary, but critics, reporters, or reviewers may be considered as a witnesses to an event.  If the research is on the media coverage of an event or phenomenon, newspapers would be considered a primary source. 

  • Film Reviews (like newspaper articles, reviews may be considered secondary):

Critiques published in newspapers, magazines, and journals can reveal the critical response to the film.

Promotional materials can reveal how the film was marketed and perceived by audiences.

4) Statistics/Data

Where to find primary sources:

Libraries and film archives collect and preserve a wealth of primary source materials, including films, scripts, photographs, and other artifacts. 

  • CineFiles (Pacific Film Archive): A database of film reviews, articles, and other materials. 
  • Margaret Herrick Library: The Academy of Motion Pictures Museum's library, with a vast collection of film-related materials.
  • Media History Digital Library: An online resource for primary sources related to the history of film, broadcasting, and recorded sound. 
  • Academy of Motion Pictures Museum: A museum dedicated to film history, with a vast collection of artifacts and archives.
  • AFI Archive: The American Film Institute's archive of films and related materials.
  • Box Office Mojo: A website with data on box office performance.

See also AU Library's Subject Guides:

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