Q. How do I access newspapers online through the library?

Answered By: Kathryn Ray
Last Updated: Mar 18, 2025     Views: 22884

The Library provides direct access to online versions of the New York Times (NYT), Washington Post (WP), Wall Street Journal (WSJ), Financial Times (FT), and more! Click on the FAQ below to learn how to create an account.

To browse through many current major newspapers, go to the library's homepage and select Databases > F > Factiva. (If you have trouble accessing Factiva, please clear your browser cache.)

The new Factiva landing page lists worldwide trending news, and then below has clickable icons for major news sources. There is a Switch Factiva link back to the classic Factiva interface which allows you to select "Home" on the menu bar across the top. You'll see a section called "Newsstand: US". You'll see today's headlines from the WSJ, NYT, and the WP, and more, In both interfaces you can use the dropdown menus under each paper to view a different section or date within the last two weeks. Please note that the content of online sources obtained through databases may differ from the web/app versions.

Check out some of these FAQs and their answers below:

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